OSSAP-SDGs Endorses On-The-Job Digital on Boarder Internship and Apprenticeship Programme in Nigeria


The Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on SDGs is delighted to endorse the ON-THE-JOB Digital Onboarder Internship and Apprenticeship Programme in Nigeria. This Initiative is a project-based strategic skills development intervention designed to complement the efforts of the Federal Government on the Digital Economy and its opportunities for all; by up-skilling Youth Not in Employment, Education or Training (YNEET) in Nigeria. As Nigeria’s youth population continues to grow, it is crucial to ensure that they have access to quality education and employment opportunities. This will contribute to the nation’s economic growth and help reduce poverty and inequality.

The On-The-Job Digital on Boarder Internship and Apprenticeship Programme is being organised in partnership with mind-the-gap with support from Google.org. Mind-the-Gap is a project-based strategic skills development, job creation, and social enterprise incubation platform, that empowers young Nigerians to develop the skills and knowledge they need to create a better future for themselves, their families and their communities.

This initiative which is in line with Mr. President’s commitment in remodeling the nation by working together with the Nigerian Youth, aims to RESET SDG 8, Target 6, which was initially set to substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training by 2020. It is designed to address the challenges faced by young secondary school graduates in Nigeria. Specifically, it targets youths who are not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET), by empowering them with basic digital skills, mentorship, internships, and apprenticeships, to digitize and support Nano and Micro Small businesses (nMSBs), making them discover and embrace the power of basic digital technology to grow their businesses while providing a credible path to economic empowerment for the Youth Not in Employment, Education or Training (YNEET) as Active Economic Agents. 

The Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goals (OSSAP- SDGs) is committed to working closely with state and non-state actors to address the pressing challenge of Youth Not in Employment, Education or Training (YNEET) across the country. Thus, as part of this commitment, OSSAP-SDGs has made significant strides in the establishment of Institutional Frameworks, and in partnership with various stakeholders have taken key steps to address some of these challenges to fast-track economic growth and development in Nigeria. Essentially, this partnership between OSSAP-SDGs and Mind-the-gap further demonstrates our collective resolve to foster a culture of entrepreneurship among our youth by providing opportunities for them to gain practical experience, build their professional networks, and create employment opportunities.

Thus, the goal is to Upskill 7,000 Youth Not in Employment, Education or Training (YNEET), assign the top 50 percent as Interns and Apprentices to customer-centric Nano, Micro-Small Businesses – nMSB (70% Women Owned) in their communities;  reach 100,000 YNEET with a compelling #ItsUp2YOUth advocacy message, and institutionalize On-The-Job as a credible path for Economic Empowerment for Secondary School Graduates (with or without going to Higher Institutions),  thereby facilitating over 5 Million YNEET to become Active Economic Agents by 2030. Similarly, the partnership will provide adequate support and mentorship to ensure the success and sustainability of the participants’ ventures.

As we strive to make progress in achieving SDGs in Nigeria, we need to continue in our efforts to diversify the economy, promote technological upgrading and innovation, and focus on labour-intensive sectors. Therefore, we invite all stakeholders to join forces in addressing this critical issue. Together, we can create a more equitable and sustainable future where “no one is left behind”.

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