- Secretary of Programmes
- Finance and Accounts
- Conditional Grant Scheme (CGS)
- Procurement
- Sectors
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Communications
- Admin
- Legal
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion style=”modern” color=”white” active_section=”4555″ collapsible_all=”true”][vc_tta_section title=”Secretary of Programme” tab_id=”sop”][vc_column_text css_animation=”top-to-bottom”]The office of the Secretary of Programme (OSSAP-SDGs) provides general administration services as well as coordination of the activities of the various Units and staff to achieve high productivity and optimal efficiency.
He is directly responsible to the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goal and supervises other units of the OSSAP-SDGs. The Units are:-
- Administration
- Accounts
- Conditional Grant Scheme
- Procurement
- Communication
- Special Projects/Quickwins
- Monitoring & Evaluation/ Information and Communication Technology
- Sectors
- Legal
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Conditional Grants Scheme” tab_id=”cgs”][vc_column_text]The Conditional Grant Scheme (CGS) was introduced in 2007 in order to address the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the local level by providing additional funding to scale-up investment in the MDGs by State and LGAs and leveraging investment from States and Local Governments as many of the activities that are required to meet the MDGs are the constitutional responsibilities of States and Local Governments.
By strictly adhering to the provision of the implementation manual, States and Local Governments apply for funding of projects that they have conceived and designed themselves within the thematic areas of focus for the CGS. The State CGS Project Support Unit (PSU) headed by Focal Person was established to improve dialogue and communications between Federal and State Governments, which is crucial for national coordination and planning.
To ensure that Debt Relief Gains (DRGs) are effectively and efficiently managed, all projects are subject to comprehensive and independent Monitoring Supervision and Data (MSD) collection under the Overview of Public Expenditure in Needs (OPEN) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework. Projects funded under the CGS are pro poor and physically located in areas of greatest need to be informed by baseline data on State service delivery infrastructure and poverty maps.
For a project to be eligible for funding under CGS, a comprehensive work plan, cash flow location sheets etc for each project, deliverables and indicators for measuring performance must be submitted to the SDGs-CGS office.
The CGS has also helped lessen poverty in Nigeria through conditional cash transfers (CCTs) that have reached over 100,000 Nigerian households by providing grants to the very poor households on some conditionality.
The mandates/objectives of CGS Unit include:
- scaling up investment in the MDGs at the State & Local Government Levels and ensuring ownership and sustainability
- empowering States and Local Governments to carry out their constitutional responsibilities
- promoting improvements in public service delivery
- encouraging improvements in public expenditure reform
- strengthening the partnership between the three tiers of government; Federal, State and Local for national planning and development
- involving communities in local development and generating feedback on performance.
Under the MDGs Conditional Grants Scheme to Local Governments introduced in 2011, some key interventions including the following were initiated to accelerate the attainment of MDGs in Nigeria. They are:
- The MDGs Village Health Workers (VHWs) which is a scheme under CGS aimed to strengthen community based interventions and engagement as a platform to extend health care delivery and improve health outcomes through the provision of a sustainable strategic solution to the shortage of health workforce in Primary Health Care systems particularly in remote and underserved communities.
- The MDGs Agro-based Micro-credit Grants Scheme that seeks to provide necessary financial empowerment for the rural populace through a systematic release of funds as grants to the sum that shall be determined from time to time based on the need assessment by the cooperative society, but not exceeding the sum of One Million Naira (N1,000,000.00). Till date, a total of 1,419 Agric based Co-operative societies have been funded Nationwide.
Implementation of CGS under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2016-Date
While transiting to the new global agenda tagged SDGs, the Conditional Grants Scheme is expected to be sustained through partnership between national and sub-national governments. Mainstreaming of SDGs implementation strategy is ongoing and the slogan of ‘leave no one behind’ is inclusiveness.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Procurement Unit” tab_id=”procurement”][vc_column_text]The Procurement Unit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is headed by a Deputy Director (Arc O. A. Ajayi) who was posted by the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) to SDGs in March, 2016. The basic objective of the Procurement Unit of SDGs is to obtain the best possible value for money on behalf of the Unit and the Federal Government of Nigeria.
The Deputy Director reports to the Director of Programme, the Accounting Officer of the programme, who is responsible for supervision of all procurement activities in SDGs. Procurement Unit, serves as the secretariat of the Ministerial Tenders Board. The Deputy Director (Procurement) is also the secretary of the Ministerial Tender Board.
From the beginning of 2016 fiscal year, procurement unit carried out activities relating to various aspects of its mandates, which covers the following:
- Submission of Procurement plan preparation by the Procurement Planning Committee to the Tenders Board for approval.
- Preparation of Tenders notifications and request for expression of interest.
- Preparation and submission to advertising media, documents for soliciting quotations, prequalification, bidding and request for proposal.
- Receiving and arranging opening of prequalification documents, bids quotations and request for proposal
- Submission of evaluation reports to the Tender Board for prequalification and consultant’s proposal for approval.
- Submission of quotations for minor value procurements (below 2.5 Million Naira) to the accounting officer for approval.
- Preparing documentation for submission to the Bureau of Public Procurement for approval.
- The procurement Unit also resolves complaints and disputes, if any between the unit and contractors.
- Announce and publicize contract awards
- The unit also obtains and confirms the validity of any performance guarantee
- Preparation of all data and information required by the House and Senate Committees on SDGs
Aside from the Deputy Director, there are six other Procurement Officers in the Unit.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Sectors Unit” tab_id=”sectors”][vc_column_text css_animation=”top-to-bottom”]The Sector is a Unit of OSSAP-SDGs which coordinates the activities of SDGs implementing Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDA) overseen by Desk Officers. Sectors also oversee and coordinate DRG funds expended at the Federal level. These MDAs includes the following.
- Environment
- Lands and Housing
- Health
- Education
- Women Affairs
- Water Resources
- Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF)
- Youth Development
- Agriculture
- Defence
The Sector Unit is headed by a Deputy Director who supervises the activities of the Desk Officers.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Communications Unit” tab_id=”comm”][vc_column_text]The communications unit is one of the Units in the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on SDGs.
- Formulate and articulate a dynamic strategy to for achieving effective Press and Public Relations function of OSSAP-SDGs.
- Handle the overall responsibility of projecting the policies, programmes, plans and activities of OSSAP-SDGs through press releases, statements, press conferences, feature articles, socio media, pamphlets, brochures, posters, films, photos and journals.
- Monitor all shades of public opinions and reactions to OSSAP-SDGs plans, policies, projects and achievements, by compiling summaries on a daily basis; of all press comments in the news media about the office.
- Issue rejoinders, where the need arises on any adverse publications on the activities of the office and answer press enquiries when necessary.
- Organize sensitization and advocacy visits to states across the Federation.
- Ensure production and circulation of IEC materials in collaboration with other units.
- Feedback to Federal Ministry of Information and Culture on the developments and activities at OSSAP-SDGs.
- Arrange for press coverage of the events involving the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goals (SSAP-SDGS).
- Receives and advises on press and public enquiries, complains and suggestions on the functions and activities of OSSAP-SDGs.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Administration Unit” tab_id=”admin”][vc_column_text]Administration Unit is one of the Units of the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goals (OSSAP-SDGs). It provides general administrative services on all matters relating to:
- Appointment, Promotion and Discipline (APD) of staff. Specifically, the Unit handles cases relating to appointment and discipline of ad-hoc staff such as drivers, clerks, among others on GL 03-06 and deployment of officers to OSSAP-SDGs
- Registry
- Transport
- Training
- Staff Welfare
- General maintenance for smooth running of OSSAP-SDGs.
- The Unit also provides support services to all the Units in OSSAP-SDGs
- It liaises with Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (OSGF), State House and Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF), The Presidency.
- It also serves as the Secretariat of the OSSAP-SDGs Management Meeting.
The Management team comprises the SSAP-SDGs, SOP-SDGs and Heads of Units. The Unit also provides secretarial support services to the Presidential Committee Meeting on SDGs which considers progress report on the implementation of the SDGs.
The Unit is headed by an Assistant Director.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Legal Unit” tab_id=”legal”][vc_column_text]The legal unit is one of the Units in the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on SDGs. It is headed by the Legal Adviser, Mr. Smart Akande.
The unit carries out the following functions:
- Drafting of Agreements and other legal documents involving SDGs;
- Giving legal advice /opinions;
- Representing the Federal Government of Nigeria in court in cases involving SDGs;
- Participating in negotiations on behalf of SDGs;
- Assisting in the monitoring of SDGs programmes/Projects to ensure compliance with the Legal aspects;
- Drafting and follow up of the passage of relevant bills on SDGs
- Tracking of international instruments on SDGs for ratification and domestication;
- Tracking of local statutes on SDGs for proper implementation and advice on possible amendments where necessary; and
- Other functions as may be assigned to the unit from time to time.